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Professional Development Assessment (PDA)

Our new route to Chartered membership

Chartered status shows employers, recruiters, customers and peers that you’re at the top of your game. PDA is a route our Certified Members can take to progress to Chartered membership. It enables candidates to demonstrate their occupational safety and health (OSH) knowledge through evidence and assessment. It will replace Initial Professional Development (IPD) from summer 2024.

Who is it for?

Certified Members whose ambition is to achieve Chartered membership.

Why become Chartered?

We are the only organisation in the world to offer Chartered membership to health and safety professionals. It aligns with Chartered status in other professions and will help you:

  • improve your ability to influence decision-makers
  • gain international recognition
  • work on an equal footing with other professionals
  • increase your employability.

What does it involve?

There are four stages in the process. The first three are hosted in Blueprint.

  1. Knowledge assessment.
    Answer multiple choice questions at Chartered level to establish your breadth and depth of knowledge against IOSH’s competency framework. Produce an action plan to address competencies requiring further development.
  2. Portfolio of evidence.
    Compile evidence to show how you have addressed any competency gaps.
  3. Professional discussion paper (3,000 to 5,000 words).
    Support your portfolio with a reflective statement on your progression, professional insights and a vision of your future and contribution to health and safety practice.
  4. Professional discussion interview.
    Attend an online interview structured around the previous three steps.

How will IOSH assess me?

Our team of professional assessors and senior assessors/moderators will conduct the assessment process, overseen by IOSH’s Professional Development and Standards team.

How long does it take to complete?

You have 18 months to complete the PDA route – otherwise, you will have to register again.

How much does it cost?

Fee: £550. This has been set to cover the costs of delivering the assessment and does not generate a profit. In certain circumstances, and for the first time, we can offer concessionary fees to members. Check if you’re eligible for a 50 per cent discount.

What support is available?

You will be given feedback from our assessors at every stage of the process. You can take advantage of the resources held in Blueprint and gain support from an IOSH mentor. Need further help? Contact our Professional Development and Standards team.

Anything else I need to know?

To apply, you must be a Certified Member with an up-to-date CPD record in Blueprint.

There is no minimum length of membership requirement.

To become Chartered, you must also complete and pass IOSH Ethical Practice in OSH e-learning and assessment.

Why launch PDA?

The introduction of the PDA is the latest stage of our programme to improve members’ professional journeys. This route is aligned with our competency framework, focuses on skills needed for the evolving world of work and is delivered by paid assessors.

Whichever route you take to achieve Chartered status, our mandatory CPD programme and ethics assessment ensure all members maintain the same high standards.

PDA webinar

We will be hosting a webinar for you to learn more about the new PDA route and will publish more details soon.

Register your interest now

You can register your interest for our PDA route ahead of launch this summer.

Get involved

Not yet a member? Join at Affiliate level and, if eligible, you can progress your membership to a grade that reflects your knowledge and experience.